1. Address all contributions, books for review, and related correspondence to the Editor, Fr. Andrew Hofer, O.P., c/o The Thomist, 487 Michigan Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20017. Electronic correspondence may be sent to
2. Submission of a manuscript is taken to imply that it has not been previously published, or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should generally be between 5,000 and 10,000 words long, though shorter or lengthier contributions will be considered.
3. Contributions should be formatted for blind review, and submitted in electronic form. Footnotes should be numbered in one sequence throughout the article and should be placed at the end of the article. The manuscript should be prepared to accord as closely as possible with the typographical conventions of The Thomist. The University of Chicago Manual of Style (18th edition) is our authority in matters of style.
4. A guide to abbreviations and citations of the works of Aquinas is available in the January 2025 issue (vol. 89, no. 1), and on The Thomist website (
5. Contributors should retain a version of the manuscript as submitted for correcting proofs.
6. The staff will be unable to respond to authors’ inquiries about their contributions after acknowledgments of receipt are sent to them and while their manuscripts are under consideration by the editors.
7. Proofs of articles in .PDF form are sent to contributors to be read and corrected and should be returned to the Managing Editor within ten days of receipt. Corrections should be confined to typographical and factual errors. More extensive corrections can be made only with the concurrence of an editor. Contributors may be liable for additional printer’s costs incurred because of non-typographical corrections.
8. Contributors of articles receive a .PDF copy of the final article and one print copy of the journal.
9. Book reviews should generally be 1,500 to 2,000 words in length unless otherwise agreed upon with the Editor. For each work reviewed, full bibliographical data should be given at the beginning of the review. Footnotes should be avoided. A glance at recent issues of the journal should settle most questions of form in reviews. Unsolicited book reviews (other than review discussion articles) are rarely accepted for publication. Galley-proofs of reviews are not sent to reviewers. Reviewers receive a .PDF copy of the book review section of the issue in which the review appears.
10. Submission of a manuscript entails the author’s agreement (in the event his or her contribution is accepted for publication) to assign the copyright to The Thomist.
*The journal's book review policies may be found here